• Accent reduction

  • Intonation, rhythm and phrasing

  • Pronunciation

    Aaron’s decades of experience enable him to quickly identify speech patterns, in foreign-born professionals, that act as an obstacle in their ability to be fully understood by colleagues and potential clients of their own. Aaron tailors courses to meet each client’s unique needs and he works collaboratively to identify his clients’ verbal and written communication challenges. He then creates assignments, activities, projects and exercises to facilitate his clients’ process towards clearer verbal and written communication.

Partial Client List:

  • Shell USA, Inc

  • Razorleaf

  • IBM (China, Japan)

  • Standard Chartered (UK/HK)

  • AMD (China)

  • Accenture (Japan)

  • Hewlett Packard (U.S., Japan)

  • Deloitte

Aaron collaborates with PRODUCERS and DIRECTORS:

  • For dialect and accent-appropriate casting.

  • On translations and localization of dialog.

  • Creating a uniform sound among cast members with different regional accents/dialects.

  • To be a liaison on multi-lingual productions.

  • To be another set of ears on set to ensure uniformity and continuity of language.

Aaron coaches ACTORS in:

  • General American, U.S. regional dialects and accents: Northeast, Boston, New York, etc.,

  • Italian dialects and accents: Standard, Roman, Neopolitan, etc.,

  • Spanish dialects and accents: including: Nicaraguan, Puerto Rican, Honduran, Mexican,Venezuelan, etc.

    Aaron has worked with many foreign actors, musicians and other performers, on diction, intonation and accent reduction. His command of several foreign languages, (including Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and French), and regional U.S. accents and dialects, enables him to successfully coach both native English-speaking actors and foreign actors to reach their desired sound. Aaron’s background in linguistics and phonetics, (in both English and Spanish), and his trained ear, help Aaron effectively collaborate with actors, and to identify and achieve their desired accent or dialect.